Sunday, August 16, 2020



(PART 3)

“So………I was the ………..killller. The murderer ………..was none other than…….”

Before 20 minutes

His name was Raghavendra Kamat. He was called as Raghu. Everyone in their life needs a best friend so that they can give their reference to “Jai and Veeru” story. Hnnnn……….. but they forget that in the ending, Veeru was left alone because……….. I don’t know why in this life, getting an understanding soul mate and best friend for the whole life is very difficult (laughing).

Raghu was a child of pure heart. He could not hate anyone because he didn’t know how to hate. A kind hearted………who was fond of rainy season but he had only one problem. He was a crybaby. I think you know who is crybaby. A crybaby is someone who cries very easily and complains a lot. He was extremely sensitive and quick to burst into tears. And then…….like a heroine in a movie, a girl came who changed his character. The girl’s name was Leenatha Rao. Similar to her name, she was very humble. Their friendship started from a sports event took place in their school. Before Dirghu, Ranga was the best friend of Raghu.

I know you are thinking that who is this new character ?? So this character was already there in his story but introduced indirectly previously.

Ranga Murthy, a nice guy who always helped others in need but his heart was full of jealousy and hatred for low caste people. It is because he just thought that they are below his high class and capable of doing nothing.  I don’t know who puts this type of knowledge in their mind. I think these are the upbringings of their parents only (laughing).

Leave it……………. So, on their sports event, a race was held in which Ranga and Raghu, both participated. Ranga was tensed because Raghu was tough competitor and he thought that it will be a shame for him, if he loses by his best friend.

Then after two minutes, the race competition was going to held. The audiences were cheering up continuously for Raghu. It is because from five years constantly, he was winning the race. The teachers also knew who was going to win. Everyone in that event guessed that he would win surely. There were seven contestants in that competition and those competitors were also had a fear that they would lose the game. And thhhen……….. the P.T. teacher blew the whistle. The race started.

Athletes’ heartbeat was faster than thought, not because of running but tension of who would win the race. At the end of race, Raghu came second and Ranga came third. As there is ……………..always a one who creates the history. I guess you know who won the race. That was none other than …….

 INTERVIEWER- Dirghu, Oh sorry !! Dirghu sir …………I guess.

Exactly…….You must be thinking how he participated in the event. Very Simple

Now you will think that he must gave a fake title to the P.T. teacher, that is, Pratap. No, it is because from the whole school, only two teachers supported him that were, his own father and the P.T. teacher.  P.T. teacher always motivated him in every situation. He only gave the title………. Pratap to him and registered his name in that competition. From childhood only, he was good at athletics.

I think this is one of the reasons why he runs faster behind his criminals. Sorry ………I guess bad joke.

INTERVIEWER- Nice……….But what happened after that ??

He came to limelight due to which all teachers watched him and disqualified him because he used a fake title. Ranga mocked at him and told him that he didn’t deserve this award. Ranga thought that Dirghu was disqualified and Raghu would not accept this award as it will be a shame for him to get this award by getting second position. So, he thought that ultimately, he would get this prize. So when called for prize, as decided in fate, Raghu accepted the prize and in front of everyone …………gave the prize ……….to Dirghu, winning his heart. He not only won his heart, but also Leenatha. From that day, he broke his friendship with Ranga and started a new friendship story with Dirghu and Leenatha. 

So, a new journey of Raghu had started. His crybaby attitude was also changed by Leenatha.

Hnnnnn…….You know how ??? (laughing)  Whenever he cried for small things, she always teased him and called him 2 year baby girl. Slowly slowly, their friendship became very deep and they became best friends, but Dirghu could not be able to join this group. It is because he always thought that Raghu was always doing a favor to him and high caste people and low caste people can never be good friends. But who would make that fool understand that it was not a favor but was a friend’s duty. Whenever Raghu tried to come closer and understand him, he always went far and far. Whenever he tried to call him for playing, he always rejected him telling that he is not worth of it and if he had any work from him, then he can do it without any hesitation. Ultimately, he was thinking himself as a servant of Raghu.

One day, Leenatha tried to make him understand Raghu’s feeling about him. I think Leenatha had some magic, because whenever she tried to do something, she always got success. From that day, Dirghu also joined their group. On seeing his nature……….ahhhh !!!……Raghu was shocked and happy. On that day only………….. he got his best buddy and their friendship story started. Upon asking Leenatha, she said that she told only two lines to Dirghu and who will understand these lines, she/he would never think to leave their best friend.

The first line was

“A Real Friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”

                                                                 -WALTER WINCHELL

And the second line was

Never let them go, because once gone they will never return.

                                                                  -Her line (laughing)

And from that day only, Dirghu’s new journey started. They became the best buddies of each other for the next two years. Every work, whether it is playing games, eating food in recess, teasing others, they had done together.  They fully enjoyed each and every moment of those two years.

One day, Raghu’s father called both Raghu and Dirghu to discuss about an important topic. This important topic is about their career. Raghu’s father wanted to send his son to Australia for further studies, after their board exams. But Raghu could not accept this separation from his best friend and an argument occurred between them.

So, after this argument, Raghu ran away ……….not for permanently (laughing). After some days, Raghu accepted his father’s decision for his further studies. The sudden change in Raghu’s behavior, could not understand by his father.

I know you guessed the reason……..not due to Leenatha but Raghu. He gave him the motivation to achieve something bigger than dreams and told him that his father was providing the facilities, which others parents could not afford for it. Instead of denying it, he should grab this opportunity.

Sometimes, I think I am very lucky that Dirghu and Leenatha came into Raghu’s life (laughing).

INTERVIEWER- Sir…………..sir How  ????  How you are luccc…….

No, means I wanted to tell that Raghu was very lucky for having Dirghu and Leenatha in his life. By mistakenly, I told (laughing).

INTERVIEWER- Sir what happened after that ??

Nothing much……..but before going to Australia, he was having a wish which he wanted to fulfill on the day of his last board exam.

INTERVIEWER- Sir, what was that wish ??

Wish……….nothing bigger but a small wish. I think you are guessing this story similar to the friendship story of Duryodhana and Karna. But there is a difference. Karna sacrificed his own life for Duryodhana, but in this ………. ………..

After two years, their board exams were near. Leenatha’s board exam was next year. Raghu and dirghu worked very hard and studied day and night together. And then……………. the day of board exam came. Normally, at that time and now also, students have to go to other school for appearing board exams. Raghu and Dirghu’s batch went to PES University for exams.

The exam days arrived. On their first exam day, they were very nervous. (laughing) It is obvious to be nervous on the first day of exam………..that also board exam. On that day, some people, with red towel in their neck, were providing green IDs. They told to put it in their neck. It was given to Raghu and Dirghu also. It was similar to identity cards. At that time, they didn’t think about other things except their exams. But as you know, some people’s thinking never changes. Some high caste parents had problems with that, thinking that how their children will manage with dalits. They…………….were…….what I can say ……………..hnnn………..fully heartless.  They just changed the meaning of parenting. Bloody parents !!!!

That was a black day for them. Those small children who were appearing their exams would never think that it was their………………. llllas......last day. It was the last day for their parents to wish them good luck for their exam.  It was the last day for their mothers of feeding her children……….. Last day for everything… for those children. So in short, within a few span of time…………………. local goons attacked, killed many small children, who were just thinking about their future, while giving their exam. Before killing children, they killed security guards, who were just doing their duty; killed teachers, who were just trying to save children’s life. But some of the children including Raghu and Dirghu, hid in the basement of that school.

INTERVIEWER- But how the goons differentiated those children on the basis of caste ??? Didn’t the school had any alarm system or CCTV cameras ??

You are a journalist. You have heard these types of incident before and you are experienced than me. Do you think it was suddenly planned ??

Obviously, it was pre-planned. Those alarm systems were already damaged and CCTV cameras were already broken before the attack. Everything was a game planned by the fate (laughing).

So ……….it was a plan of a MLA.  Thus, the funny part was parents couldn’t do this , so they complained that MLA whose son was also appearing board exam that day. The reality, was not parents, but the MLA………. ……..ordered the local goons to kill those children.

And how they differentiated between children, you will come to know shortly…….

They were hid in the basement till they were gone. It became exact 9:45 pm and raining was occurring. They were extremely frightened. Among one of them had phone and called the police. Now, they decided to come out and started to the way at their home. Unfortunately……………goons…………. were sitting and having tea in front of the school. Those goons thought that after that heavy work, they should take some rest…………(laughing)

Just after watching them, goons just smiled like they would have a chicken party. One of the students among them fell down on the goon’s leg to leave them. He begged that goon …………..

In front of those children, that goon drew something from his pocket. Before they could understand……………….

INTERVIEWER- So, that student was killed…..

Ya and upon seeing this Raghu got angry, threw a stone on that goon and……………. I could not elaborate this properly, but I only know that....................He was ……….killl………killed in front of ……….

 INTERVIEWER-  Why are you crying ?? Is your son was also ………..

No………… ……….I just felt it for Dirghu. So, his best and one and only friend was killed in front of his eyes. What can be more painful than this ??   Think about those parents who lost their children because of a small thing ……………..CASTE.

After next five days we got the news that, in a shootout those goons were killed, MLA was jailed, Ranga (former friend of Raghu) was in hospital and Dir…………..Dirghu was in juvenile prison or juvenile detention center, whatever you can call this but in simple words, he was jailed for six months.

Like the parents got lucky that MLA’s son was giving exam, we got lucky, that the child, who was killed while begging the goon, was a son of DCP. Operation was done in one day and that day only, one of the goons gave proof about involvement of MLA. The next day MLA was jailed and in an encounter, all the goons were killed. But, it had no meaning………. Leave it

Later Leenatha revealed to Dirghu about how it happened. So, Ranga was the one who wanted to take revenge on Raghu because his ego was hurt, whenever Raghu avoided conversation with him.

EGO …………..A main reason for maximum crimes today and a powerful weapon that can make you win or can destroy you.

So I think you have remembered about the green ID. The green ID was the one, whom by seeing goons differentiated. Now the thing is, children were very tensed and frightened due to which they didn’t think about the green IDs and it was there in their neck only. School allowed those red towel persons because they told them that they belonged to MLA’s institution, and it was MLA’s order to give those ID’s card as a symbol of approval to their party in the next election.

I think school teachers wanted to say at that time that it was not a political institution but an educational institution. But no one has that courage to tell a simple “NO” to them as they think that they are on a high post, so they can do anything. They always forget that they got that post because of public vote………….Leave it, I always gets emotional whenever ……………..

INTERVIEWER- Who gave the names of low caste children to MLA ??

All was the game of LUCK…………Ranga was a friend of MLA’s son and MLA’s son’s girlfriend was a friend of Leenatha.

Now you can understand ………… Leenatha knew about what happened and MLA got those names.

INTERVIEWER - Why Raghu got the green ID ??

………..because of Ranga…..So, after knowing all these things, Dirghu………………..just beat Ranga………………He must be dead at that time but Leenatha came and as you know, her one dialogue is sufficient to stop anyone.

She said that by killing him, they would not get their friend but can make lose a mother’s son. Listening to this, he stopped but was jailed on a complaint against him given by Ranga’s parents. Unfortunately, there was no proof on the involvement of Ranga in that incident.

After releasing from jail, he was inspired to become DCP. Now, you would understand the reason behind his passion for DCP .

I know many of you have a question- How he had this post because the one with criminal record is straightaway rejected.

But there were no criminal record signed against him. That DCP (who killed those goons) helped many of those children who were alive from that incident, because he thought……………. He can’t bring back his child but by saving these children’s future……….he can get the satisfaction. You knows these politics behind these and beside this, that guy was on a DCP post. ……..So, everything is related to Power.

And to get this power, he worked extremely hard and……………….now you can see.

INTERVIEWER-  And what about Leenatha ?? Is she the same Leenu who had that cancer ??

No………you only answered your question……….she was having cancer. Due to cancer only, she died two weeks ago.

Leenatha………..Ufffff !!! ………Oh sorry! I forgot to tell her full name. Her name was ….hnnnnn……..Leenatha Rajashri Rao. She was DCP’s wife.

I know that you must have asked about her to Dirghu due to which he suffered from the disorder. He feels depressed whenever he was asked about her.

So, she was…… killed………….. in an accident.

INTERVIEWER-  Sir, what happened exactly ??

For DCP, you have to become an IPS officer by cracking the UPSC exam. And you know how tough that exam is (laughing). He took two years for qualifying. When he was preparing for exam, at that time, Leenatha was preparing for CTET (Central Eligibility Test) to become a professor at REVA University. When both achieved their goals, they were married by their family.

They were really having a happy married life. After one year, they had a girl child and named her Kalyani. All was going very well. And just before five weeks, I got the news that Leenatha died in an accident. What exactly happened that day, I don’t know. Upon police investigation, I came to know that it was her daughter’s birthday. She came for shopping at evening and when she returned, it was around 10pm and was raining. She took an auto after shopping. While returning, she was talking with Dirghu and the accident occurred. The auto driver also died in that accident.

But ……………….

INTERVIEWER- So, it was an accident…….  

I also thought that same, but when the post mortem occurred……….it was found that …………her throat was…………… …….was chopped…looked like not due to ……………..

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


(PART 2)


“He was ……….killl………killed in ……………..front of ……..”

Before 35 minutes

Some police officers earlier went for further investigation to Leenu’s house (the girl in the painting made by Ali) and informed her about the murder of Ali.

Obviously, after hearing this, she faced a psychological trauma. After investigation, Officers found from her doctor that Leenu was suffering from Liver Cancer. In short, Ali was in love with Leenu. To save her, he was working very hard, by doing some paintings and selling it. But his earning was very less than he thought. And the money, he needed for her operation was a huge amount. Then, suddenly………… after some days, he went to doctors and said that he had got a work in Bangalore. So he requested to start the operation and in 7 days, he would pay all the money.

INTERVIEWER-  Sir, but what happened at the zoo ??

Oh sorry!!!  I forgot to tell what happened after murder of Matu.

Before we could try anything…………. ……..Matu was killed……. in front of us. Killer, within 2 seconds after we came, cut his throat with ……………that knife. And the funny part was, instead of saving him, our two teammates vomited there only seeing this heinous crime. As I thought, he already had a backup plan. Shockingly,  I don’t know from where five smoke grenades were thrown, and the next moment, he was gone (Just Like Mr. India).

Ha…haa……I think he must be using another word for kidnapping, i.e. Surprise adoption. It is because from beginning only, he was only giving us twists and surprises. Don’t take it seriously; this line is not important for case. This is only to make this atmosphere light.

So, now let’s go ahead :

In that smoke, firings were done by my teammates, due to which some of our officers were injured. Public in the zoo were panicked due to the firing sound. In that run race, I forgot that I was severely wounded. But I had a question at that time- What the zoo authorities were doing at the time when Matu was tortured ???? Didn’t they listen his sound while he was tortured ????

And this time, there was only a single CCTV camera in the zoo that is fixed only at the entry gate, ……..hnnnnn……to check whether visitors were paying money or not. Now I think many of you have got your answer of your question- Why the killer chose this zoo only ??

For the next two days, I and some wounded officers were given treatment. And the irritating thing is that I was always treated by Dr. Rajesh Khanna. Why ??

I got this answer before three days only. You will also get it ……

In these two days of treatment, files were cased against the zoo because there was a scope of doubt on the members and caretakers of the zoo that the smoke grenades must have thrown by them.

After discharge from the hospital, the shocking neeews………. I got to know that another bank robbery took place on the same day on which Matu was murdered.

The funny part was that the government party which was in power thought that the bank robbery must be the work of the opposition party.

Hnnnn….You are intelligent, you must have guessed till now why I told like this.

In these two days, our officers worked very hard, and got many clues that would help in further investigation. The first clue we got was that whenever animals try to escape or run, then these smoke grenades are used, and the decision, of where to use the smoke grenades, are taken by caretaker. So, caretaker must be involved in the murder of Matu.

But similarly there was another possibility that Matu could be involved in Ali’s murder. If he is involved, then why did killer killed him ???? Did Matu blackmailed him  ????  Was Matu having anything that killer was afraid  ???? Many questions, but no answer.

“Papa wake up, already you are late”

Whenever I listen this, sometimes I think due to me, her whole career is destroyed……………one thing, you know….she also dreamt of becoming a journalist like you. Now, I think if she would not face this, then surely she would be looking like you.

INTERVIEWER- She is very lucky, that she has got a father like you because my father………… father killed …me……...

What ????

INTERVIEWER-   No……….means, I wanted to say that my father always taunt me for not having a good job. He always thought that becoming journalist would put me in danger …………means you can understand the life…..anything can happen to us if we investigated something about some criminals…….so I tried to say that those taunts were similar to killing me …..

Oh !! I thought…………………Ok! Leave it.

Now, the next clue we found on Matu’s phone is a photo. We didn’t have any information about the photo because the photo was of a guy from his back, but there was a snake tattoo in his left hand.  Matu had clicked this photo, the day before his murder. How this guy is connected to Matu  ????   To answer this question, we have to further investigate the bank robbery.

But before that we reached to Leenu’s house. The officers asked Leenu, showing her the photo of Matu that did she knows him and before dying, did Ali make any contact to Leenu. As expected, she didn’t know Matu but the best thing is that she gave a fantastic clue for further investigation (Never expected). The clue was, before two days of Ali’s murder, he made a contact with Leenu and told her that he had a threat to his life, so for the next two days, they can’t meet and if he dies, then she should show this photo (a photo was given by Ali to Leenu) to police and tell them that the guys in the photo must be the culprit behind his death. So, the photo had 6 guys. It looks like a college photo.

 After asking Leenu about the photo, I fff……..felt………. like ground slipping……….. under my ff……feet. I had never expected that where I had ………. …..I ended the journey, another time I had to start from that point only.

INTERVIEWER-   Sir, if he already knew that his life is in danger, why didn’t he inform the police ???

Nice question !!  you will surely answer yourself at last.

INTERVIEWER – Sir, what was so special about that photo and which journey are you talking about ????

Hnnn……………..I would tell you later.

Then we went to bank to know more. This time, when I asked the security guard, (I think he was already ready with the excuse), I just………. laughed and slapped him. The excuse was very extraordinary. I had never heard this excuse before. So, the excuse was................. “My fortune teller warned me not to take any fight with a robber or else I will die”. And my fortune teller told me to warn and slap every lazy security guard.

The next clue we found was the same mask. I don’t how this came to mind, but one of my teammate tried to find this mask online and luckily we got also. Further we found that these masks are manufactured in…………….

Also, the photo of the college boys (got from Leenu) was also from …………. Bbbb…..Bangalore ……..and the college was none other than…………. REVA Uni…ver..sity.  The same university in …which…

But suddenly… live ………live ………………....

INTERVIEWER- Sir………..sir , what are you thinking ???? What happened next ?   sir ……….sir … u need doctor………..Sir I am calling ambulance.

No…….no……..please call my Dr. Raj……eesh…….. I have his number on my phone………….please take it and call…………My medicines are over …………..tell him to bring new med……icines ……………..


Did you give him any type of stress ????   Don’t you know he is suffering from a disease ??  And why did you come here ??

INTERVIEWER-  Dr. I came here to know the reason behind his resignation. Today, he is one of the most honest and sincerest cops of this city. It has become breaking news, that’s why I came to……….

Ok ask whatever you want. I know everything about him……In this condition, he can’t give you interview.


Before that, bring my bag……………..I have given him one tablet. I had kept these medicines near his………..stupid…… throne like chair. After 1 hour, remind him to take this medicine after having the dinner.

INTERVIEWER- Ok sir, can we start now……

Ya…… I think you are very curious to know about his life. Hnnnn………sometimes, more knowledge can harm you (laughing). Know as much as you need……….

Ok leave it, ask............

INTERVIEWER- Sir, what is the story behind……….Bangalore ?? Why he was tensed when things come about Bangalore ?? Sir …….what happened in Bangalore ????


 INTERVIEWER-  Sir, please can we talk about it. I want to know……….what happened in……….

Nothing that much, that was not an impor…rr……tant issue. He must be tensed because ………because tension is a part of his profession. Please you can ask some other question. I am ready to give answers of your other questions.

INTERVIEWER- Sir, everything was linked to Bangalore….that college photo and those masks……….and sir, he would also tell me when he wakes up. But without knowing what happened in Bangalore, I will not leave sir.

You are very………very stubborn. Ok! but in one condition……….please don’t publish it because it is linked to his personal matter and after knowing that, it is published, it will hurt him badly.


Ok, so………

His full name ……….I think you know. He was born in Bangalore. His father was a professor at RIT. I think……you don’t know about RIT. So, RIT-Ramaiah Institute of Technology, one of the best engineering colleges from Banglore. His mother was a housewife. At that time, I was working at Sahaj healing, a hospital.

I think you must know a fact that whosoever childhood were creepy, they become successful in their profession. You know why ?? ……………..because they work very hard to forget those terrifying memories. They fight every moment with themselves not to remind those………..those……. spine-chilling moments. To divert, they passionately work for their profession, but the real problem lies within them only. Really, by looking and hearing his words, you will think that he is a very interactive and funny guy. No one can guess that he was having a childhood, full of nightmares.

So, do you know what is the meaning of Pratap ?? …………….Pratap is not a name given to him. It is just a symbol of bravery. Pratap means daring. He must have told you his title as Pratap. But in reality, there was no title in his name. The reason behind this…….A very very common and hot topic trending issue on Social Medias, but as always, ignored in reality.

The issue is none other than “caste”.

I know that now you are thinking that it must be a boring topic discussing about a common topic. But the pain of this discrimination only knows those, who suffer this till now. Ok leave it……………..I know that this effect of discrimination has decreased in cities, but not in villages and small towns till now.

At our time, discrimination was vigorously done on the basis of caste system. So, one of the victim is nearby you.

Next thing, which I am going to tell, none of you would believe this. Whether you believe it or not, but it is a reality. At that time, people would kill you, if they come to know that you belong to a lower caste.

Funny, I think. You can refer to Wikipedia for this. The page name is CASTE -RELATED VIOLENCE IN INDIA. It should not be violence but it should be violences. I know you must be thinking that VIOLENCES word don’t exist, but none of you are thinking why violence word is there and that also based on caste.

Sorry for that, because this is only for the proof that really, violence was there on the basis of ………….CASTE , the word that boils many of your blood.

Let’s go ahead,

He was reading in the same school in which his father was the professor. So, at that time, according to the low caste rules……….you know what are the discrimination done on this basis …….you must have read in civics. Example- no friends, touching high caste would humiliate their respect ……..etc.. He was acquainted to this. This was not so much horrible for him. Not only him, many more were there like him. But the best thing happened to him in this condition is…………that he ………got a bosom buddy at that time.

It is told that if a community’s name is bad, not every single person from that community is wrong. Just like that, his best friend also belonged from high caste, but his heart…………… was pure. (Laughing) But as you know, you don’t get happy ending in every story. Unfortunately………………..



(THE FINAL PART) “ It’s the time for Climax, baby…………just enjoy it   ”. Before 10 minutes but before any further investigation, the case...