Thursday, July 30, 2020


(PART 1)


“there was a deep cut in her throat, just looking…………. as a knife ………….sliced her ……..”

Before 45 minutes

Please sit on the sofa. Will you have some tea ?

INTERVIEWER-  No sir,………..sir can we start your ……….

"Papa wake up! Already you are late".

The voice you heard is of my daughter Kalyani. Well today is my last day in Mumbai. Oh sorry!! I forgot to tell my name. My name is Dirghavesah Pratap, Deputy Commissioner of Police Mumbai. You can call me Dirghu.  Tomorrow is a memorable day for me because I m resigning from this job. My colleagues are asking why……. I m resigning this job ???  I know I worked very hard to get this passionate life but I have to resign because…………… of my guilt. The guuuilt…….. which I could never forget. This guilt will always make me remember an unforgettable and remarkable case which shaken my personal and professional life. That case, made my happy, peaceful , soulful daughter a Living Dead. Normally a living dead is called a zombie.


I think you are surprised that why I am calling my own daughter a zombie. Hnnn……………. well, my daughter is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In simple words, it is a mental health condition that is triggered by a terrifying event- either by experiencing or by witnessing. The best part I like about this disease………….. is that it makes you think whatever it wants. I know it sounds like illogical but, yes this is the truth. From last 5 weeks, she is thinking that I ……..I m sleeping. I know it is funny, but………. Because from last five weeks, I was taking some medicines, prescribed by my relative Dr. Rajesh Khanna. This title of the doctor has its own story but this is not the right time to tell.

Where I was ??        yes, I was telling that these medicines were meant to overcome my depression and due to the high dosage , I was sleeping for 8 to 9 hours and I know you must be laughing……….thinking it as silly. The silliest thing I heard from my daughter is that during that 8 to 9 hours, I was invisible in front of her (just like Mr. India). Before two weeks, I was always thinking that it must be the side effects of the medicines; she was taking for her stress disorder. She must have been hallucinating.   But now I understood why she was talking like this. You will also understand after hearing this story.

Oh! another thing I forgot to tell. My depression and her disorder is due to the loss of m..m…my ……… my….beloved wife and her mother Rajashri. I don’t know these things directly or indirectly, but linked to the case.

 INTERVIEWER-  Sir……..your chair looks very special……….just like a king’s throne.

Oh! ………….you are talking about this. Ya, this chair is linked to my heartbeat…….my daughter gave this as a gift on my birthday. (Laughing) When this chair will be gone, that day my heartbeat will also stop……….. just joking.

Now can we start……….

 INTERVIEWER-  Yes sir , sure

So this is my last interview as a DCP and now I am going to discuss the reason behind my resigning and the most terrifying case of my life.......


A middle class man always dreams of a safe and secure future for their family. This secure future depends upon their monthly savings. And all of you know that these savings are done through a Bank (laughing). Think if a scam is done by a bank or the money is looted by the robbers, what will happen to those middle class men, who had spent their whole life in savings to give secure future to their family.

Leave about them. Think about yourself, what you will feel, if you had done some savings for your parents and family but the money is robbed….????

I am asking this because this case is about a bank robbery and a murder. These two crimes took place in a ……….single night at two different places.

 I have a question – WHY MAJORITY OF CRIMES OCCUR AT NIGHT  ????  Some questions always remain unanswered.

I was assigned to investigate the murder incident. The murder took place in a mansion at night about 10 pm. At that time it was raining. The victim was a famous painter Ali Mehra. The victim was murdered while he was sitting on a chair and was doing a painting. The killer was having sneakers. The size of his sneakers must vary from 6.5 to 7. This information was given by forensic Dr. Tirupathi Anand (aka Dr. Rajesh Khanna) by watching the shoes marks.

Hnnnnnn…… I know you must have missed the point that it was raining at that time, so sneakers must be muddy and he left the shoes marks. The murder weapon was a leather belt that was surrounded by the victim’s neck.

But if the killer had sneakers, didn’t he listen to those footsteps and tried to save himself. But there were no signs of fight between them. So one thing was clear that killer must be one of his friends.

I think till now many of you have guessed why I said killer is one of his friends.

Now another clue found from the crime scene was the victim’s phone and the killer mask.

I know the killer was playing games with police. Hnnnnnn………. He must be a fan of bollywood movies, like leaving the clue for police, just making them think that killer had done a big mistake, but in reality the clue was useless and is useful for wasting the time. But one thing I noticed that the killer wanted to show something through the mask. It was because …….some tear drops from mask’s eyes were marked in red color. It must have been revenge or due to love (because the painting, found from the crime scene, was of a girl named Leenu – this information was found by our research team), that this murder took place.

The last number found on the victim’s phone was of his office colleague,  Matu Mishra. First, I thought that Ali must have called him for help. But another possibility was Matu, himself must be the killer. So our team made a contact with him and called him to our office. Just reaching the office, he started from the, as usual dialogues “ I have not done anything…… my lawyer before touching me……..etc”. Hnnnnnn…… but as you know everyone related to the victim is in our scope of doubt, till the real killer gets into our custody.

So, from the next day everyone in Ali’s contacts was under our surveillance. But suddenly ……….we got some information from the police in charge for the bank robbery (occurred on the same day on which the murder occurred). The information shocked us because the other team found the same mask in the bank after the robbery took place. I don’t have much information about the robbery at that time, but one thing everyone must knew that robbery took place at night (Not a new thing). At that time, I thought what the security guard was doing at that time ???? 

The next day our higher officials called us and assigned us to investigate the bank robbery on that day. (Laughing)   Seriously, First case was not solved and they assigned us another case. The reason was very simple. Due to the political pressure on the government and raging of families who had their all life savings in that bank.

After reaching at bank, first I went near the security guard to ask but before asking something, he started his, as usual excuses. I thought that he must have been learnt these excuses from his school only. You will also laugh after hearing the excuse. The excuse was “I went for urinate”. So, robbery approximately, must have taken 1 hour and it means he was urinating for 1 hour.

Hnnnnnn……… so this guy should get an award and a name in Guinness world Record for taking highest time for urination………If these guards would have done their work properly, this incident would not have happened.

But before further investigation, the killer ….started another game. …………I never expected that he would play like this with our team. I don’t know why but from the whole team, he only called me and said “In the next 2 hours, one of Ali’s close one will die. Not exactly die, but I will kill him.” And at last he said his as usual challenge dialogue “ If you have power, then stop me”.

I don’t know, why these bloody criminals always try to challenge police………Effects of Bollywood movies…….thinking themselves as hero, savior of justice………

Obviously, if you challenge someone, then he/she would take this as a blur to his/her self respect. So, I accepted his challenge but I knew that he had……….. more critical thinking than us. From here, the cat and mouse game began.

Our expert team tried to trace the call but in vain and also he used a voice changing system, which our experts could not hack. So one thing was clear that some of the best technical experts were helping the killer. For the next 1 hour, each one from our team rushed to each of the Ali’s contacts. You will be surprised to know that there were total 392 contacts present at that time in the city and total were 990 contacts throughout the country. But the main thing which made us tensed is that if the killer can do two different crimes at different places at one time, then…………. he can do anything. So, it means that not only 392 but we have to check all of the 990 contacts. So we alerted some police stations of those states, where the acquaintance of Ali living. Experts were trying their best to find the killer’s location.

One of our teammate, who went to check Matu told us that he was missing. He was neither in his office nor in his home. His friends also don’t know where he is. First I thought that Matu must be the killer, but more possibility was that he would be a victim. Also, I forgot to tell that he called us at exact 9:30 pm, means that this time also, he planned to do this murder at night only !!!!!

Why was he planning murders at night only  ????

Now many of You have a question – Didn’t the bank had CCTV cameras ???

So friend, you must have missed the point that he had some technical experts who were helping him. Hnnnnn………..further………..You are intelligent. 

Now another question you must have- How I knew that the killer was a male ???

So, the answer is ……hnnn…silly. I am just assuming. There is a possibility that it could be a girl.

And the next moment, our forensic Dr. Rajesh Khanna contacted me and gave a clue about the killer. He told that the killer is right handed because the leather belt he pulled by the victim’s neck, have had more pressure on the right side than comparison to left side.

Shockingly..………never expected, just after 2 minutes of the call, the killer sent Matu’s tortured video to me. One thing I knew that, from this video our expert team would find his place. As expected, the expert team found his place by tracing his phone at a forest area.

The next moment we rushed to the vehicle and on the way, I was thinking he must have knowingly given the clue to……….. waste our time. So we decided to watch the video another time and this time………..we watched it in slow motion.

It is told that if we do our work calmly and with a peaceful mind, we can achieve anything.

So, we started to watch the video with calm mind and luckily (I guess) my teammate saw a parrot and different animal sounds. So simply it is not a forest but a zoo. Because parrots, living in cage, are not found in forest. At that time, we didn't see it clearly because of ...... Leave it.........

 But the next three questions which came to our mind were- which zoo (because there were many zoo in Mumbai) and how he had done this and how many members were there in his group because his phone was tapped in a forest. One single man can’t do this. Excluding expert technicians, many more were involved in this. So, we informed to every police station to reach their nearby zoo.  

The next moment…………….. the second car, which was behind us, met with an accident with a truck. Not exactly, the truck knowingly hit us. And another truck in front of our car tried to hit us but we were saved. I don’t know how we were saved but we were severely injured by the rash driving and breaking of the window glasses.

The killer must have known that we had found his place, that’s why, these trucks sent by him, tried to hit us. But how they came to know ????                                                                         

INTERVIEWER - Did anyone from your team informed them ???

Many questions I had, but at that time, it was more important for me to save Matu than finding the answers.

During this time, the police, we had informed earlier, found a place where a man with black mask and Matu was found in one of the nearby zoo and they informed us. We thought that that man must be the killer . Just after reaching to the zoo,……….when we looked at him, it was looking like that from years and years, he was waiting for this moment only and finally…………………. I saw that………kiiiiii….lllllleer. The murderer……….. That criminal, whom we are searching from 1 week, day and night, without any rest, like mad dogs , and now at last, we found him. But it was more painful to watch Matu like that. Matu was tortured severely. He was bleeding continuously.

I thought that this will be the end of the torture to this simple and innocent man because in next 5 minutes, the killer will be in our custody.  I was very happy by thinking that we solved the case, but I forgot that he was a dreaded monster………….. who must have a backup plan because not we, but he invited us to his place. He was just looking like a beast, wearing an assassin coat, sneakers, and same mask and this time, there was a rusty knife in his left hand.

The next question, which came to my mind, is that was he working in weather forecast because suddenly, the raining started. Shockingly…. lastly the thing which shocked and terrified us………. is that , in front of us and the whole police team , …….the killer cc…caught his hair with right hand and mercilessly, sssss……………ssliced his …………………………………………


(THE FINAL PART) “ It’s the time for Climax, baby…………just enjoy it   ”. Before 10 minutes but before any further investigation, the case...