Tuesday, September 1, 2020



It’s the time for Climax, baby…………just enjoy it ”.

Before 10 minutes

but before any further investigation, the case was closed with a written statement that it was an accident. The reason behind closing the case was a bank robbery occurred that night. You know the pressure.

In our country, the simplest way to prevent the publicity of a murder is to do a big crime than murder.

I don’t know what was the link between these two crimes, but …………….beside this, Dirghu was left alone with her daughter. From six weeks, I didn’t hear single news about her daughter.

“Papa wake up, already you are late”.

I think this was the voice of Kalyani (laughing). She must be coming here after the treatment.

INTERVIEWER- But you only told that you had not heard about her from six weeks ……………..Sir……..one minute …….How it can be six weeks ??? Rajashri died just before 5 weeks…..

Oh sorry !!!  Whatever came in flow, I told. Extremely sorry for that. I meant to say that before five weeks I had not heard anything about her, but………. before two weeks, I came to know she was trying to investigate her mother’s death. I think at that time, she had also found some clues……and also called me, I think to tell about the clues, she had found but only before five days, I came to know from her father that, she was gone mad due to which he had to send her for treatment, for some depression,   I think.

INTERVIEWER-  Dirghu sir was telling that Kalyani was thinking at that time that he was becoming invisible in front of her. Why did she tell like this, sir ????

This is a small issue, you should not think about this (laughing), but…………… uffff  !!!!   Journalists have many questions for a small issue….

Ok !! She was having very heavy dosage of medicines, due to which she was having some hallucinations. Thus, this was the effect of a hallucination. I think, you are very interested for superpowers (laughing). How one can be invisible  ???  Please use some common sense.

INTERVIEWER-  Sir, then what happened  ??

About that case I don’t know, but……………….One minute, had he told you about a photo of a snake tattooed guy and a college photo ???

INTERVIEWER-  Ya , he told me about that. He found that on Matu’s phone. And that college photo, he found from Leenu.

What ????

Are you mad or are you high ???

INTERVIEWER-  What do you mean ??? He told exactly this. He found these photos as a clue.

Do you know who was the tattooed guy ?? He was not a clue. He was one of the college guys in that photo. And he was none other than Ranga’s son.

INTERVIEWER-  Means the killer was Ranga’s son. So, he was doing all those killings.

Had Dirghu told you about all those murders ??

INTERVIEWER-  All murders ………………What do you mean by all murders ?? How many murders happened ???

Are you a real journalist ?? You don’t know how many murders were done in your city. ……………….WOW  !!!!

INTERVIEWER-  Look …..I was not in this city when these took place. When I came here, I was given the assignment to find out the reasons behind his resignation. So please ………..without wasting further time, can we move ahead ……………

Ok ……..I apologise !!!  (laughing). So, there were two murders that took place without any recognition but the third…………..third murder was on………….

INTERVIEWER-  live ………….I think. I heard that ……………..But that murder didn’t took place…Dirghu sir was also trying to tell about this only, before going unconscious. What exactly happened ?? And who was the victim ???

Victim was a professor at REVA University. His name was …………..I forgot……… Ya ………his name was………..Ravindranath ………..And this time, killer thought that he will be surely successful in killing him. So, in overconfidence, he made this live on social media.

In my view, a rating certification should be given to news channels. And that rating should be always adult. They didn’t have the common idea that every age group people watch these news. A small child also watch news to gain some knowledge. But how he would know that he will not have any knowledge, instead that he will have nightmares that night, after watching that live murder. Without thinking, they showed this live coverage on their channels.

Nowadays, there is a system in social media, that whosoever is live, those who want a conversation with that live person, they can send a request to him and if the live person accept that request, both can be live and can have conversation with each other and that conversation can be seen by other people.

So, the funny part was…………..police were trying to send request for live and wanted a conversation with him, but just after two minutes…………. killer’s sister was shown live. (laughing)

INTERVIEWER-  What ??? How ??? Means why he would accept his sister request, if he was on a killing mode ……..

I was coming to that point only…………you are very impatient.

Everyone had that question only, but it was answered very soon. The request for live was not send by her sister, but …………

Ya, whatever you are thinking………..is absolutely correct. It was none other than………… Dirghu. A knife was held near the neck of her sister by him.

INTERVIEWER- Oh ! …………..As a counter attack. Fantastic…………just feel like …….whistling.

It is not required to explain what happened after that, you can guess that. So, finally the killer was caught…………….

INTERVIEWER-  So, who was the killer ????

But when we opened his mask, he was just crying. It can be his acting, but upon investigation, we came to know that he was a real actor.

Seriously, not joking (laughing), he was a stage actor, just doing small dramas in theatres. He was given money to do this on live, but he didn’t know that it was a police case. That’s why, he was crying, fearing his life is in………..danger (laughing).  So, jokingly we took this case but forgot that it was just a trick by killer and on that night only……………….that professor was also killed.

Not only you, everyone will laugh because after this third killing also, we were left with that same clues………………….killed by asphyxiation…….mask……..night

INTERVIEWER-  Rain didn’t occur at that time ???

Now I am sure that you are on high. What is the link of a natural event to this case ??? ……………………………Ok !!! Sorry ! ……………how did you guess I don’t know but your guess was correct. It was raining. But what is the link ?? By the way…………doesn’t matter because the killer was none other than the fourth partner.

INTERVIEWER-  What did you mean by fourth partner ??? And how Dirghu sir got killer’s sister    ???

Oh !! I thought Dirghu had told you about this. It was just after the murder of Matu, when he went for Bangalore. Had he told you about any treatment ??

INTERVIEWER-  Ya, he told me about that. He and some wounded officers went for treatment after that zoo incident.

Hahaa…….You can’t always believe these police officers. Not for treatment, but for a secret operation. For bank robbery case, another team was appointed for that. For this case, Dirghu and his team were leading. At that time, they thought that bank robbery must be done, to divert this murder case.

So, after reaching Bangalore, they rushed to REVA University. But Dirghu didn’t want there to go………….many memories were there in that university. Well, Rajashri was one of the best professors of that college. Many students liked her, not for her beauty (laughing), but for her humble attitude. Leave it……………if I will start stories about their memories, it will never end.

 Forcefully, for his duty, he went …………there and……….

Ok ! I have to leave now. I am in a hurry…………….I have to go now, it is very late now. I cannot get a bus for my home.

INTERVIEWER-  Sir, you have just started now. You cannot leave like this. Sir, what happened suddenly  ???  Now it is 9:30  pm, you can easily get a bus.

Please don’t force me. See the weather, it might rain now. Before raining start, I have to reach home. Today, I have promised my son to show him a movie. I have to take him for a movie outside…….

INTERVIEWER-  Sir, why are you behaving suddenly like this ??? If rain will occur, how you will go for a movie ??  I know, you are just making excuse. Sir, if there is any problem, you can share…………

See, just after two minutes, Dirghu’s dosage effect will be over. He could be with you any time. You can ask him about the further story……but now I have to leave because……….after seeing me…………..

INTERVIEWER-  Sir……………sir ………….why are you rushing ??? Sir ?????

After 5 minutes

INTERVIEWER-  This much…………Doctor continued the story up to this much. Sir please now can you please reveal who was the killer and why you call………

………………Doctor as Rajesh Khanna. I think Doctor was somewhere correct that you are not a journalist. If you were, then you can guess these common things.

INTERVIEWER-  Extremely sorry sir, but my job is only to ask question and getting the answers of those questions. I am not a detective…………………..and now I don’t have that much time to investigate. I have to go to home. Please Sir, can you reveal the killer’s name.

Oh !!!! So you want to know who the killer was. I told you already. If you have tried to join those links, you could have guessed till now. Nothing is there to reveal. No problem, So………I was the ………..KILLER. The murderer …………..was none other than………..

INTERVIEWER-  Sir, I don’t have much time. I have to go. It is now 9:38 pm. There will be problem at home if today also, I reach late. Sir please can you stop joking and continue the further story….

I know that you don’t have much time now. But now, I am not in a humor mood. So, I am telling truth. Believing it, depends upon you.

I was thinking the same as you are thinking now. Doctor told me the same story. Before three days only, I came to know ………………..all the truth. Killer was …………..within me.


Before asking something, I want to make you listen the whole story behind this. But before that, did doctor told you about where he was working at that time ???

INTERVIEWER-  Ya, he told me about that……………but I could not remember ……………name of the place I forgot…………………………………Hnnnnnnnn……..got it……..It was some healing hospital.

Wow !!! poor journalist. Every hospital heals your pain. So, it was SAHAJ HEALINGS. He must have told you that it is a hospital…………..and I think you must have believed him.

Sometimes, you can never guess a dark face behind an innocent face. Hey !!!  Did you asked him, how he knew all this story means about Raghu and me ???

As expected…………you had believed him blindly. Not your fault. If a DCP can believe that fake doctor, then why can’t you believe.

So, the doctor was none other than ………………Raghu’s father. You must have noticed his eyes while he was narrating Raghu’s story.

INTERVIEWER-  Ya, he was just crying……..and you will not believe this, I felt the same and asked him …………

That ………………I know. So, SAHEJ HEALINGS is not a hospital, but a hypnotherapy centre. It teaches you about hypnotism and regression therapy. If you have doubt then you can Google it.

So now you can understand, in which condition I killed them………………….

INTERVIEWER-  Sir, I understood nothing ………………..what about you and doctor……………fourth partner………..totally confused…….

Nothing to worry…..So, I will continue from there where he left……….When I reached………….REVA…I came to know the whole story.

INTERVIEWER-  Sir…………..whole story ???

You know the most lucrative illegal business in the world is worth a staggering amount per year. That business is ………..of Illicit drugs. You can earn $300 billion annually, according to a survey report. Illegal businesses can you give you pleasure but in the end……………you know.

Your guess is totally correct………Ravindranath, Ali and Matu were involved in this business. Ali came for Bangalore as a distributor for this business. Whatever he was earning, he sent it for Leenu’s treatment. Ravindranath, who was a professor at REVA, was thinking that this much earning could not bring him the prosperity, he need. So…………….he also joined. But Matu was just a partner in their business but was not involved. He was a contract killer. And the last and fourth guy…………..was the head of that business who called all the three to join. To gain more profit, Ravindranath began to sell this in their colleges, not openly but secretly (laughing).

And as you know…………students need pleasure and drugs are the best option left for them. But they forget that this ………..small……….very small pleasure can destroy their upcoming pleasures in their future.

I think you have guessed till now………….what happened exactly with Rajashri. Not only Rajashri, many teachers and innocent students came to know about this, but everyone were silent because they know the danger if they open their mouth. But……………Rajashri……………On the birthday of Kalyani, while returning from shopping, she had an accident. She died on that spot only.


No, nothing to worry. I am OK. Ya, Kalyani was much more depressed than me. It is because on that day, Rajashri was taking with her while the accident occurred.  That was her ……….last talk. I was also depressed, but I was soon recovered because that doctor told me to divert my mind and should think about the future of Kalyani. I think that he was somewhere correct because upon seeing me in this condition, Kalyani would feel much more worse than this.

But from the forensic report, ……….hnnnnn…………..I came to know that there was a deep cut in her throat, just looking…………. as a……………as a  knife ………….sliced her.

Everyone thought that due to bank robbery took place that night, this case was shut down. But after Doctor gave the report that not an accident but it was a planned murder, some officers were assigned to investigate this case. But………….I was not assigned for this…………you know the reason I think…………….

INTERVIEWER-  I can understand sir………………….Then what was the conclusion ??? What about the snake tattooed guy ?? Was he Ranga’s son ??

Ya, he was Ranga’s son. He was a local detective. When we took him to our custody, he told the reason of following Matu.

So, in Bangalore, Ranga was working in a bank. Ali took a huge loan from that bank where he was working. That night, when Ali was murdered, he and his son went to his mansion. That mansion was gifted by his fourth partner. So, Ranga told his son to wait outside. When he entered, he saw ………….everything. He was hiding behind a pillar. When the Killer was escaping, he followed him and his son was waiting there at the mansion only. After some time, when he went inside, he saw Ali’s dead body and informed their neighbour. 

So, from that night his father was missing. They complained this by their nearby police station. After two days, he got the news that his father was died in an accident. He died at a bypass road, which was just 2 km away from that mansion. So the next question came to his mind was why he went there ????  From that day, he started his investigation. He found that Matu was also linked to him and followed him.

The next night, he went to Matu’s house for further investigation and during this Matu saw him and clicked his photo, as a doubt on him.

After listening this, our team believed and left him. But after two minutes, he came to me and wanted to tell me something privately. And believe me……….after listening to those………..it was just like…………….

He told me that ……………he saw me………………me…murder……..ring………..Matu.

INTERVIEWER-  (while drinking water, spitting water at the ground) ……….What  ?????  Just can’t believe. I think, he was the murderer. Just give him two slaps and he will tell all the truth.

(Laughing) Oh ! No no, he just told whatever he saw. He was present at the zoo and saw my face while murdering Matu.

INTERVIEWER-  But How ??  You were with police. How ??? I didn’t understand ………..

Not only that, he saw the face who threw the smoke grenades.

INTERVIEWER-  Who ???? That caretaker……………….

No………..it was the……….Doctor. I know you will not believe it.

INTERVIEWER-  It is not possible…………….I think….

Before thinking, listen what happened after that. I went to Doctor’s home to ask the truth. First he avoided but after listening from Matu……………he just told me ……….everything, bit by bit.

For him, Rajashri was like her daughter. On the day, when Rajashri was………………

INTERVIEWER-  Oh ! …………I understood. After that….

Doctor called her. I don’t know why he called, but while he called……….. Rajashri

 INTERVIEWER-  Sir……….please don’t cry……………..Sir no problem, if you are not comfortable, we can continue this tomorrow…..

Oh !! No need ……….I will tell you. While he called at that time…………….she knew the ……….knew killer’s name.

INTERVIEWER-  What was the name  ?????

Before telling the full name…………..she was………. But before that, she told the title.

INTERVIEWER-  And what was that ?????

It was ……….Kamat. And know it was the fourth partner. From that day, Doctor wanted revenge and ……….

INTERVIEWER-  And……what ???

And ……….using his hypnotherapy study………….he was just hypnotizing me and ……….after that you can understand how all the ………………murders occurred.

INTERVIEWER-  but how did he know Ali, Matu and Ravindranath name ??? And you told that you were with your team and that live ????

I don’t know how he got these names……..but after hypnotization, you don’t remember anything what happened during that time. Thus I was with my team was a lie. So all was a………. fake story told by the doctor to me…………which I believed.

According to my team, I was at rest due to the depression………told by Doctor to them (Laughing). About that live………..First I got two numbers from Ranga’s son.  He got this while investigating Matu. The first number was of a girl who told that she was alone and his brother went to Mumbai. And when I went there, I came to know about the live and told her to call his brother. And after that …………you know.

But all this was a drama……….set by the Doctor (Laughing).

INTERVIEWER-  But why did he do this  ???

To divert Police investigation, so that it would be easy to………. murder Ravi that night only.

INTERVIEWER-  And those bank robbery  ????

(Laughing) …………….Never occurred. It occurred only twice, during …………Rajashri’s……… and Ali’s murder. Just a coincidence

INTERVIEWER-  And what about those mask ……….at that bank……..

No bank robbery was linked to this case. Everything ……….means every bit by bit was just a………..You know……..

Now I think you have got your answer………why I called him as Rajesh khanna………For his fantabulous acting.

INTERVIEWER-  I can’t believe this……………It means ………everything……….means from beginning …………..Sir I can’t….

It’s an obvious reaction, I know. (Laughing) Just think about me when I came to know all about these. That’s why, I was invisible in front of……… Kalyani because I was busy in………

INTERVIEWER-  Sir it is not your fault. You are fully innocent. Don’t blame yourself for those murders and whatever happened is good ……sir. But one thing………..Did you find him ????

Whom  ???

INTERVIEWER-  The fourth partner………the one whoo ……….

Oh !!! ya. That was something a terrifying visual that occurred in front of me. Till now, I have not forgotten that moment (laughing).

INTERVIEWER-  Sir which moment  ???  It means you killed….

No no, after knowing everything about her brother, she became depressed and in shame and guilt, she killed herself………..and………and all this happened due to my mistake.

INTERVIEWER-  Who was “She”  ???  And which mistake  ????

Radhika  . And the only mistake was…………..after getting her phone number from Ranga’s son, I called her and tried to ask about her family. But she thought this as a fraud and hang up the phone. Then…

INTERVIEWER-  One minute……..what did you told her that she thought it as a fraud ???

Oh !!!!! that hackneyed excuse about home loans (laughing). That is the best excuse going on today, through which thieves can get anyone’s information.

INTERVIEWER-  Wow !!!!  really innovative excuse (laughing). Then what happened after that  ????

Then my team tried to trace this call and we found her location. I thought that once we get her sister, we can easily catch that …….. So, after that we went to her location. It was a construction site. She was at the second floor. We reached to her and at that time, she was talking with her………..brother. She was telling him that it would take only another one month to build their house. So that construction site was their future home. So after ruining many homes, they were making their own home. (Laughing) That house was standing on a pillar of many innocents blood.  I could not control my anger after watching that scene. In temper, With some use of slangs (laughing) I just scolded her and told every bit by bit……………..everything about her brother’s work.

She laughed at first and slapped me. Obviously, it was a normal reaction. It is always a family member of criminal suffers more than that criminal. We didn’t show any reaction. We showed only our ID. For the next five minutes, she was just……………..I can’t describe her emotions or reactions. It was only she, who can understand that pain. She called her brother……………and screamed like she was in danger and hung up the phone in the middle. We were just…………shocked. After two minutes, she reached to us and told that when he would come here for me, you can arrest him easily, without any resist.

At that time, I felt very heavy. I forgot about every crime done by his brother, and felt like to leave him…………….only for her sister ………..but she jumped.

INTERVIEWER-  I could not understand. She jumped means………………in tension.

Ahh !!! dumb, she just jumped down from that floor and fell upon sand.

INTERVIEWER-  Means overall she was rescued.

I hope she would be rescued. But it didn’t occur in that way. Below that, there were sharp rods which were just covered by sands. When she fell down, due to the pressure she was stabbb…….stabbed by those sharp ……   

After two minutes, her brother came. So finally, he was in front me. After watching her sister and us in that way, he must have reminded himself about the screams made by her, sister. He thought that we must have done something bad with her. He just rushed towards me and took a rod kept near him and tried to kill……….but before that my team caught him. His eyes……were full of tears. It was just the pain of losing a loved one.

INTERVIEWER-  (Laughing) Tit for tat. After that what happened ??? Was he given a death sentence  ???

He was arrested and was ordered for life imprisonment.

INTERVIEWER-  But why ??? after doing robbery, murder and drugs business, why such a small punishment ????

It is because he could not tolerate that pain and was mentally retarded, after five days in jail. I know you must be thing that it could be a drama. We also thought the same. But he was checked by a psychiatrist and ………. Thus, the punishment given by god was much more painful than given by court.

Thus, these were the guilt which I can’t forget in my life and can’t forgive myself. Due to me, Rajashri, Kalyani, Ali, Matu, Ravindranath and Radhika suffered.

(Laughing) So in this way …………….this story ends.

INTERVIEWER-  Sir, those three were criminals. Why are you blaming yourself for their sufferings ???  They have to suffer.

No, it was not my duty to kill them. My duty was just to catch them and handover to court. But…………..I killed them. That’s why I hate that bloody Doctor.

INTERVIEWER-  Whatever happens is for good sir. Sir never blame yourself for those criminals. But sir, I have one doubt. Why about this fourth one, was not shown in any news and what was the name of fourth one  ????

That news was kept very confidential. And the name…….. I don’t know (Laughing) because I didn’t wanted to hear his name.

INTERVIEWER-  And sir another thing. What was that last wish ………….of Raghu  ???

(Laughing) I think you are getting late for your home. It could rain at any time outside. It would be difficult to find a taxi at this time. We can continue this interview tomorrow.

INTERVIEWER-  No sir, means I have sufficient time today. You can tell me now sir. I have to publish it tomorrow only. Means it will be the biggest breaking news which will break every record of highest TRP and views and the credit goes to you sir.

Hey ! Stop it.

INTERVIEWER-  Sir, I told you before. It is an interview and I have to publish everything.

You can’t publish everything. It includes my personal life. You told me that you want to know my personal life and would publish only the professional part. I think Doctor told you this before.

INTERVIEWER-  Sir what is the problem if I publish everything and also you hate Doctor. After publishing, everyone will hate that doctor. This is the thing you want, that everyone should hate that doctor.

I know I hate him, but he was the only one who supported me in my time. After Raghu, he accepted me as his son. I can’t betray him.

Ok leave it !  now it is time for dinner. Where is Kalyani’s medicine ??? I have to give it after her dinner.

INTERVIEWER-  Oh ! Doctor kept it near your chair.

Ya ! ……………..Ok …………..if you have no problem, we can have dinner. During that, I can continue to answer your questions.

INTERVIEWER-  Sir , this medicine is for……………

Ya it is for Kalyani…………….Give me 10 minutes. Today you will have the best dinner of your life.

INTERVIEWER-  Sir…………………….sir …………….your ssm…………

What  ??? Why are you stammering ???

INTERVIEWER-  (Laughing) your smile looks like…………….. a devil…….. laughing.

Oh! That same thing Kalyani also told me many times. I think I have told you this before that………. I just see Kalyani in you (laughing).

When I will get ready for dinner, I will call you. Till then, you can watch T.V.

INTERVIEWER-  Ok sir……………Sir, Kalyani will also have dinner with us  ????

No…………. means she does not like to eat with others. She will have the dinner in her room…………Ok, I will come in 10 minutes.


INTERVIEWER  (murmured) –  Sir told that Kalyani had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. But Doctor gave these medicines for him. Then why he took these medicines for Kalyani ????  Does it mean ………….that…………

INTERVIEWER-  Sir……........sir, I think you have expertise in cooking also (Laughing)………….means in five minutes only, you made the food…….Just amazing. You have so many talents sir, I am just jealous.

(LAUGHING) No need to be jealous. I have another talent………………….

INTERVIEWER-  One minute, sir…………what are you hiding……….. in your right hand ???...................sir ……sir ………what is………….there in your right hand  ????

Oh !!! caught me   ( LAUGHING). Baby, it is just for you.

INTERVIEWER-  Excuse me……………….Sir…………I think you are tensed…..

HAHA…………..you will be excused …………………forever.

INTERVIEWER- Sir………………..I am getting late…………we can have the……interview tomorrow.

Hey! You can’t……………It’s RAINING outside………….I can’t leave you in this condition.

[FROM BACKGROUND (TV) – Mugambo Khush Hua   ( A dialogue from Mr. India) ]

Yeh! ……………..that’s my favorite movie. Everything was like a puzzle in front us and we can’t solve it (LAUGHING).

By looking to you, I think you are in a ……….great dilemma. I can solve it (LAUGHING).

Ok !!!    Now we can go back………………..Tell me any clue about the KILLER, as ……….said by Doctor.

INTERVIEWER- Sir……………..We can talk later. Family members are waiting for me………….Please sir…………..I have…

Hey !  Why are you in panic………….Before 5 minutes………you were jumping to find…..the ………….TRUTH. Now please………….without telling, I can’t leave {LAUGHING}

As I told before, tell me any clue about the KILLER, as ……….said by Doctor. After this, I will book the cab with ………………my own hands.

INTERVIEWER-   (Tensed) Sir……………………..I don’t remember now………..We can have this discussion tomorrow……………Please……….

Ahhhhhhh !!!!!!!! Stubborn…character. This same character I have seen in my daughter,  and I……………hate this the most.

It’s the time for Climax, baby…………just enjoy it………….and feel it……………and answer my question. I have only one question for you………….and that also you are hesitating to answer.    This is not fair, baby………..I promise that I will book a cab after this.

INTERVIEWER-   Sir………………….(gasping). I need two minutes……………

Oh !!!  just don’t panic and take your own time……………I am just there for ………..you……

INTERVIEWER-  Hhhh !!!! ……………Ok ! ………….I think….Doctor told ………..during Matu’s murder that he was righ………………….and the killer was none other than……….

Fourth partner………..OH !!! Fantastic ………………..

INTERVIEWER-  It means……….

“Papa wake up! Already you are late”

INTERVIEWER-   { Angrily} Please ……………can you make her silent. I am just irritated. Why she is always shouting just ……….

Just…………..What after just…….

INTERVIEWER-   ……………just like a……….

Ahhhhh !  I am just losing my patience, when you are making suspense……….From next time, please complete your ………… sentence…………

INTERVIEWER-   (Thinking)………………..like a ……….like a…………

Ufff !!!!!!! ……………..So I think you have guessed it till now. …………..So sad…………..I AM CAUGHT.

INTERVIEWER-  Oh !!!!................Now ………….Now I understood everything………….It is just a ……..T…APE…………RECOR…DER……..

I think all praises are low before you (LAUGHING). And ……………..

INTERVIEWER-   And you were…………..the fourth…………..But HOW  ???............It means ………….you killed your………….It means Doctor was also……

Oh !! No no, please don’t blame him. A nice old man. But I am sssad………..you know why ???

INTERVIEWER-   But why did you tell me…………..all these things…………….Oh !!!!  It’s a knife………….(aggressively) you want to …………

Clever………….clever and only clever…………….you are just ……….awesome. Stole my heart.  ( WITH A SMILE) I think you have a last question………..

INTERVIEWER-   (panic)………….I forgot everything………….I will……..

Hey!! Hey !!!! Why are you sweating ???  I will not do anything……………….till I answer your question..

INTERVIEWER-   I will not tell to anyone. Believe me …………….please please……..I am begging you…………..family members are waiting. Mummy is waiting………please …………..I am their single daughter…….

Oh !!! I know the pain………..I had also a daughter. I know the pain of ……….separation. But the thing is …………………….you only, wanted to know everything. Just asking and asking………tell me , tell me……..i have enough time.

I think Doctor told was somewhere correct ……………..Sometimes, more knowledge can harm you.

INTERVIEWER-   It means Doctor was……….also……….

Silly girl !!! I told you …………he is a silly old man……….He just told because he didn’t wanted to tell you about  …………him….…….you know.

INTERVIEWER-   Then why he was acting like your daughter was here  ?????

Oh ! For that……….you have to know……..what…..

INTERVIEWER- What….. I have to know  ????  No, please ……I asked this question by mistakenly. Please ……………I am pleading you……….forgive me…..

Hey !!  Why are you so afraid ??? You are a journalist (LAUGHING). Crying does not suits you. I had listened that journalist makes others cry………….And who am I ??? …….Who am I to forgive you 

INTERVIEWER-  (Laughing) Sir, I know you are joking. All this was a joke………….I know sir……….Doctor told me already that you are ………………

I am ………..I am ………….what after ……I am ………

INTERVIEWER-  (gasping) that you are ……….you are ……….very ……….funny……..

Ya ya !! I am ……………Oh ! I forgot to answer your question.

INTERVIEWER-  No sir, I don’t need…………I………

I know that you are dying to know what happened…….So………..it is a sad story………

INTERVIEWER- If you have killed, then……… why are you crying ???

I told already…………..because it is a sad story (LAUGHING)…………HAha……..Ok ! No further joke……….

INTERVIEWER-  Sir why ………….are you bringing………….that knife…………..(Shouting) I told you ………….please sir I will not tell to anyone…….

Hey !! Sorry sorry….please don’t shout……….I am afraid……..HAHA (LAUGHING)

INTERVIEWER-   (Shouting) Why are you behaving like this ???? I think it is just because of your………….disorder………

Don’t think like that…………I have totally no disorder……….I just throw these medicines. You know my acting……..girl.

INTERVIEWER- Then what do you want  ????  I promise that I will neither publish nor tell to anyone that I came here…………Please sir ………….I am begging …………..I am only girl child in my family……..

Oh !! So sad …………….I want only one thing……………

INTERVIEWER- What  ???? Please ……………..

Listen to the answer of your question  (LAUGHING)…………….and then……..

INTERVIEWER-  and then…………..and then…………what ???

And then……………(LAUGHING)……..and then…… get killed ……….HAHA………..

Hey ….hey……why are you crying……….please please don’t cry ……….I was just joking…..

INTERVIEWER-  (Crying) ……..Sir………..sir…….I knew it was…….a joke.

Hey………don’t take it seriously……….buddy. Ok !! it’s enough.  It is now 10:15……….you are getting late. Now coming to your answer……….

(Tears in eyes)…….I killed …….her…………I had to kill her ……..


She was becoming an obstacle in my business. So everything was planned, buddy. I planned to gift her to God (Laughing) on my daughter’s birthday. And …………that silly girl……….I had to kill her also…..

INTERVIEWER- Who ????  Kalyani ???

Only one heart I have……..how many times you will win that ......Ya I had to kill her …..(tears in eyes) ….because she listened everything …………our plan ……everything while I was talking to Matu. That girl…………her memory was very strong. Means you can’t believe……she memorized all names of my partner. After that, she called her mother. But luckily………..(LAUGHING) the network was not clear. Thought like God was with me.  Then she called Doctor and told my partner names. But luckily, she forgot to tell my name. I think………..not luckily………but purposely she didn’t tell my name.( Politely) because……. she loved me.

INTERVIEWER-  (Crying and shouting) Didn’t your hand tremble while ……….while killing your own……

No ……..no way…………She was like her mom and I hated her mom. ………And then Doctor called Rajashri to warn her but before…………with my own…………….(With satisfaction) ………..with my own bloody hands …………..I just……

INTERVIEWER-   (Tears) ………..what you did ????

Hey !!! why are…….. you crying for that silly girl ??? (LAUGHING)……..I just stabbed this same knife. Oh!!! I forgot to tell one thing………….before that I killed my……..

INTERVIEWER- (Shouting in Angry) Are you a beast  ????

Hey you can’t only call me only beast………….you can call me with all synonyms of beast……..like monster etc. ……..leaving upon to you (LAUGHING).

But Doctor saw me ………..not while killing ……..Kalyani but when I was removing the knife………..that was stabbed ………..I can’t describe that situation……….See the tears in my eyes (LAUGHING).

Then ………I continued the drama……….anyone came and killed her. When doctor took her to hospital, I went near my ……….beautiful wife ……….and after that you know.  From that day………..doctor hid this and just supported me because if he would tell this outside……I will be jailed because at that time, only I was present in that house. No one would believe my story except that Doctor………..That’s why……….all this resignation drama…….so that I can shift to other place and no one can ever know what happened.

INTERVIEWER-  And what about the fourth partner, who was jailed ???

Oh !! That is called DCP power. Radhika was Kalyani’s friend. After death of Kalyani, I tapped her phone and came to know that………Silly girl. Before Doctor, she called her for help. And as you know……..whoever came in my path………hssss……

INTERVIEWER-  Wow !! So you pushed her………..Brilliant sir. And framed his brother. I think you have beaten Doctor in acting. Similarly………..you killed……..Ranga. And what about that Live drama ………

Oh !!! they were real. Just part of my business and as I told before…… Doctor framed it, not I.

So bad I am………(LAUGHING)……..I forgot to answer your last question……….Last wish of Raghu.

Silly boy…………(LAUGHING)…….I think this wish only killed him. From childhood only, he ………..he loved Leenatha. That’s the problem and that’s only…………he wished for. So, Ranga only included his name ………..but……….

INTERVIEWER- But what ???? What………….

But………..before those goons, while leaving through the gate………..you know……..(WITH A SMILE)…..and framed those goons for his death……….

INTERVIEWER-  I think Doctor Uncle didn’t know this …………

No way !!! If he would get to know this………………you know better…….what will happen after that….

INTERVIEWER-  Hey !!  I have another question…….Can I ask  ????

Bravest girl I had ever seen………..Most welcome. Please continue (LAUGHING).


That much for today……………….time is over. (LAUGHING) Before ending your game ………………till now, I have not asked an important question………………..What is your nam…………..Hey what you told ……….Did I heard …….that …….question, Oh I must have told you …………..but I have not discussed it till now. Hey who are you ???? ……..Are you police or from CBI……..Who are you ??? How did you know this ???

 This was …………aa…..aasked by……….her  ………………when I just……..I don’t know it’s your acting or what ??? Why are you crying continuously…………Oh ! I understood just making me fool ……..HAHA …….Why are you silent……….(SHOUTING) ………….Hey hey……….I will not do anything …….Promise...Please tell me who are you ??? You are just making me irritating……….Hey………..whom are you staring………..I am DCP. Can kill you in 10 seconds and in next 10 seconds, I will come for investigation only………


Oh no !!!!!  Wher….rre is that …….knnn……..knnnife ??? Are you transparent ???  Who are……..you ???? ……….Where is your…………bbbbb……..bbbody ???  …………………………………………………….No…….it can’t happen. (SHOUTING LOUDLY) … Totally not possible……….what is in your hand ???  And bloody girl……….why are you crying ???? WHO ARE YOU ????  ………………No…………… How is it possible ???? With my own Bloody hands ………..AHHHH !!!!  NO NO NO !!  Please ………………(Laughing) I know this is a dream. It is just my imagination, hallucination ……………NO NO ………..Why ???? It is ……….Never………..You came……….No ………Ok we can make a deal……Take all my money, property, everything with you………Leave me ………Begging you…….Why are you coming near me……..NO NO NO …………..KAL…………………AAAAHHHHHHH……….NO NO…………..PLEASE…………..LEAVE ME…….. AAAAAHHHHH……………KKKHHHHHH………………  



“Papa wake up! already you are late”.



















(THE FINAL PART) “ It’s the time for Climax, baby…………just enjoy it   ”. Before 10 minutes but before any further investigation, the case...